Meetings & Events

Business meeting or painting workshops

If you come for business or want to have your company's meeting here, there's nothing like the view overlooking the garden, the sea and the pool to make work a little lighter. With 6 rooms for up to 300 people, a business centre with all the necessary materials for conferences and events, and a staff that makes sure that your meeting can even take place in the garden, if you wish so, Pestana Cascais is the right place to come work.

See the room maps and ask to be contacted by filling the form. The success of your meeting starts here.

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Sale riunioni

Tutte le sale riunioni possono essere predisposte secondo vari allestimenti. A seguito, le opzioni disponibili.

Nome della camera Area (mq) Teatro Scuola Tavolo a ferro di cavallo Cocktail Banchetto
Cascais A 128 111 70 50 44 115 80
Cascais B 111 90 40 38 34 100 70
Funchal 41 35 20 16 14 35 30
  • Modulo di contatto

    Per maggiori informazioni, o per fissare un appuntamento, completate il modulo di contatto.

  • Meeting Rooms

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