Meetings & Events

Memorable events in the Farm

Quinta Miramar is the ideal place to hold a great festive event. If you want to celebrate a wedding or a special anniversary, the huge balconies, the imposing house and the luxurious gardens are the perfect setting to make your event memorable. The opportunities to take photos are amazing and you will be able to accommodate your family and friends in amazing rooms with balconies while staying in one of the hotel suites. The happiest day of your life will also be the happiest day of their lives. It is an original way to celebrate unique moments, since the decoration, spaces and menus can be set according to your directions and thus feeling that your celebration has your personal mark, in an old family farm in Funchal where you can welcome everybody.

Sale riunioni

Tutte le sale riunioni possono essere predisposte secondo vari allestimenti. A seguito, le opzioni disponibili.

Nome della camera Area (mq) Teatro Scuola Tavolo a ferro di cavallo Cocktail Banchetto
Conference Room 53.5 40 25 25 21 30
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  • Pestana Wedding Magazine

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