Meetings & Events

A party with a view, which is seen

Although there are two meeting rooms in the hotel, its public spaces and restaurant areas, lounge and bar are so unique and scenic, that the strongest point of the Pestana Promenade are the events. Weddings, theme parties, birthdays, presentations, receptions and cocktails are a must in this space that is both in the memory of the guests as the dreams of an outsider.

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Sale riunioni

Tutte le sale riunioni possono essere predisposte secondo vari allestimenti. A seguito, le opzioni disponibili.

Nome della camera Area (mq) Teatro Scuola Tavolo a ferro di cavallo Cocktail Banchetto
Indico 48 25 12 16 14 30
Pacífico 115 100 48 40 30 70
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