Meetings & Events

Solid gold productivity

The Pestana Sintra Golf is a great place for business meetings, corporate events and conventions or presentations. All meeting rooms have large windows that allow natural light. Thanks to this, even work becomes rather relaxing! You can take a break outside, and if you believe that everyone is in need of some air, you only have to walk a couple steps to hit a few balls and breathe in fresh air.

Sale riunioni

Tutte le sale riunioni possono essere predisposte secondo vari allestimenti. A seguito, le opzioni disponibili.

Nome della camera Area (mq) Teatro Scuola Tavolo a ferro di cavallo Cocktail Banchetto
Monserrate 130.5 100 54 54 45 110 80
Pena 128.3 96 54 54 42 100
Pena A 63 48 24 36 27 40
Pena B 63 48 24 36 27 40
Peninha 99.5 70 36 48 42 80
Queluz 99.6 60 36 42 33 80 55
Regaleira 98 88 51 48 42 80
Sintra 248 220 125 66 54 220 150
Capuchos 44.5
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  • Meeting Room

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  • Meeting Room Brochure

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